Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I've been getting a lot of questions about the Lego DND game we started recently, so I figure I'll just make my logs of our adventures public, maybe ramble a bit about my thoughts on Lego and role playing games, and archive a few zillion pictures.

We started back in early February.  I was getting ready to celebrate my birthday with some friends and we were trying to figure out what to do, and he noticed some Lego in my living room.  I mentioned I've always wanted to play DND with Lego, and he ran with it.

First we had to figure out what game we wanted to play.  We talked about trying to play 3.5 with some old books he had laying around, then got talking about Pathfinder and 4th Edition.  After chatting with the guys at Guardian Games (who are awesome by the way), we picked up the Pathfinder Starter Box, the Core Rules book and the GM guide.

That night we played through the starter kit mission (using lego minis as our avatars and the cardboard cut outs that come with the kit for the enemies, which worked out pretty well) and everything worked pretty well. Sadly, I don't have any pictures from that game.

The Pathfinder starter kit is pretty awesome.  It was my first time GM'ing and it went find, with minimal "Load" time as I looked up rules or figured out what I was supposed to do.  The starter kit is really well done.  I love the layout for the NPC stats in the starter kit, and if Paizo is smart, they'll use that layout for every NPC stat block going forward, it's super easy to read and find what you need.

The player book is a little less user friendly, but it manages to do the job.  We got lost a few times figuring out how to make our characters, but eventually we (mostly) figured it out.

I've since picked up the 4E book, and it's also pretty well done, although it's a little less robust physically (cheaper paper, round little tiles instead of cardboard and plastic stand ups), but it's also a little cheaper, so pick your poison.  One thing I really like is the cards that come with 4E.  I know for a lot of old school players they're this horrible heresy, but as a new GM/player, they're pretty helpful (in all the obvious ways).  I've started making myself cards for my NPCs, so I have a better chance of challenging my much too intelligent players.

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